Ever wonder what medium can you use with your students??
You thought of FACEBOOK but it is too personal for you??
EDMODO is the solution for this!!
is a social network like Facebook but it is focusing on students and teacher network.
how to use EDMODO?
1.It's so easy,you just use your email to sign up and it's free.
2.Teacher then create a group and named it.For example,your group name is Hola.
3.the students then need to sign up as well as search for the group name Hola and join the group.
4.Teacher and students then can communicate using edmodo just like Facebook where you can post any topic for discussion and students can comment on your post.
what does EDMODO provides?
1.you can post on you class group for any discussion and your students can respond on it by commenting on the post
2.Teacher can give reminder to the students through edmodo.
3.Teacher can give homework using edmodo as well.