Friday, 30 November 2012

Response using VIDEO-INTERVUE


intervue is a tool that you can use to make a short video.


1.First,you have to sign up so that you can save your recording.

2. Then, click on the section add question.Type your question and share it to your students.

click on the CREATE NEW to create question

then add the QUESTION

3.After adding the question,you can record yourself by clicking on the question.

click on the red box and it will happily record your video.=)

4.After record it,you can share or invite your students.It will automatically appear after you finished your recording.


INTERVUE in teaching? assess SPEAKING SKILLS.You can use intervue as a tool to assess students' speaking.Students can record it at home and send it to teacher's email.Teachers or students can view the progress of students from one video to another which can be very helpful where students can repeatedly see their video and notice their faults so that they can improve the next time.
-using INTERVUE,Teacher can set a question and ask students to respond to the question.Teacher can send the question link to the students so that they would be able to post their response on the same

2. teacher can keep RECORD of the assessment.Using intervue,teacher can keep record of the assessment while if teacher do the assessment without record it,teacher won't be able to see the past assessment.This is sometimes important as a prove to the ministry and parents if they question about speaking assessment.

3.good for INTROVERT.Intervue will be able to help students that are afraid of the crowd or shy person to talk.I am pretty sure they will talk more using this as they will have less stage fright. However,teacher should encourage them to speak in front of people as well as that is the purpose of speaking skills.Intervue can be as encouragement for them to speak in the beginning.


2.Easy to use
3.Accessible.Everyone can access to the video however you can make it private if you don't want to.

DISADVANTAGES is only 60seconds..well since it's free there's nothing much you could do.Students won't be able to speak a lot.


Write story using STORYBIRD

I miss you... by nuomanuomi on Storybird
This is a sample of my what is STORYBIRD it is a website that you can use to create your own story board.It is really fun and interesting with all the beautiful pictures.

Sample of pictures that you can used in your story.


HOW?1. mainly Storybird can be used to teach writing.Students can put their writing into short movie which would be fun to be shared to their classmates.-for example,teacher can ask students to write a narrative essay.Then, based on their essay,create a movie.From this,teacher can see clearly what the students try to express in their essay because sometimes due to lack of vocabulary  or  low level learner they might not be able to put their thoughts into words.Thus,teacher might not understand their story or misunderstood.Teacher can help students to improve their essay when teacher understand what the students try to express.
2.Teacher can make a collaborative work with students where teacher write the beginning of the story and ask students to continue the story. This could be fun as different students will end the story differently even though they all have the same beginning.
3. Students can do this as collaborative work as well.Students can invite their friends to join a story that they are writing.One have to write after another.They have to continue after another.However,this is little bit hard as students might not be able to continue each other story.Therefore,teacher need to let students have a draft of their story first before they put it on story bird.
From the Menu you can invite collaborator in writing the story

ADVANTAGES1.FREE and FUN- you just need to register your email address so that you can save your work and edited from time to time.It is fun to students because it can help to enhance their imagination with all the interesting pictures can give them more idea to write.2.CLASS GROUP.Teacher and students would be able to have a class group in story bird where they can share among themselves their stories.
click on the YOU,and choose CLASSES to add your students.
3.suitable for VISUAL learner as they would be more interested when they can imagine their narration.4.CLASS CONTROL.when teacher use this in class students will do their work as this would need lots of concentration and students to focus on their work as it is interesting.5.OWNERSHIP.This gives students sense of ownership where they have their own work that they might want to share with people as you can embed this in you blog or send it to your friends' email.6.AUTONOMY.this encourage autonomy learning as well as students might want to write story using this in their free time as this is more fun hence encourage students to develop their writing of the thing that I really like about this is that students can really put their feelings in writing.Without teacher realize when it comes to narrating students tend write story that are close to them.It is either their own story or people that they know.Teacher should take note of what students' write because they might trying to tell you something from it.
1.LIMITED SPACE. you won't have much space to write a long description in each pages hence it limits your words.2.FACILITIES.In schools students might have to work in group as there might not be enough computers for them.Students who do not have computers at home also will not be  able to continue this at home.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

use SONGS in your teaching


In this post I will introduce you to a website that you can sing and guess the lyrics at the same time.and the best part of it you can us it in ENGLISH TEACHING

click this to link you to the website- LYRICS TRAINING

Sample of the song in the website

It has most of the latest song that is on billboard so I am pretty sure you will love this. =)

so how can you use this in English Language Teaching?

1.This will be good for listening skills. Students can listen to the songs and fill in the gaps that provided below the video clip.

There is 3 level for this game.Beginner,Intermediate and Expert.

For beginner level you will need to fill 10% of the lyrics.

For intermediate level you will need to fill 25% of the lyrics.
For expert level you will need to fill 100% of the lyrics.
so you can choose depend on how well you know the songs as it is a little bit harder to listen words in a song due to the music and style of singing.

However,this will be an interesting way for students to learn new vocabulary as songs can be really fun.


1.EASY-it is really easy to use.You just click on the website.Type any songs that you want (note the some songs might not be available).Then choose the level that is suitable with you..and sing it out loud!! if you don't know certain words don't worry as you can skip the word by press TAB.

2. you can KEEP YOUR SCORE by registering your name and password so you can keep track of your record.

3.HELP BUTTON.there is a HELP button at the side.this explain better how you can play it.

4. it is  authentic because it is made not for English teaching.the language used in songs are real language hence it is very good for students as these language are really used in daily life. is also relevance to be used in English teaching as this is area of interest of students' life nowadays,so students will enjoy it better. encourages autonomy learning as well.Students can do it on their own pace and encourage for self-learning at home as well.

DISADVANTAGES might have unsuitable words(curse words) in the song such as sh*t which is quite common in rapping song.Therefore,teacher need to observe students so that they would not be influence by this unsuitable words.

2.Teacher won't be able to control the choice of songs by the students.Students might choose songs that has inappropriate theme and they might influence their friends as well.Therefore,teacher need to remind students about their choice of songs as well.



p/s: i quite like this website because it is really fun to learn 
       english using song.Students will enjoy this.Give variety
       to your teaching sometimes can be good!! You can 
       ask your students to act out based on the songs 
       as well.This will be good to see how much your students
      understand the words in the songs and give room to 
      their creativity.=)

Thursday, 22 November 2012


what is podcasting? is voice/conversation/audio recording is also portable as long as you have the internet connection so anyone can use it at anytime and anywhere
3. you can also share it with anyone around the world as long as one have access to internet
4. people upload podcast to iTunes then you can download it to your iPod/ipad or anything for free
5.It is very easy,one can do it within a minute

how to use PODCAST in English Language Teaching

1.Teacher can ask students to read article and record it
2.Teacher can also ask students to talk on a topic and record it can be type of assessment as well.

One of the website that I would suggest for podcasting is

advantages of vocaroo
1.It is free
2.It is easy to use so students that do not know much about it can use it as well.You will only need to open the website and record you voice.and you're DONE!!

Suggested lesson plan using vocaroo

a)speaking skill

1. Teacher can use it to develop for speaking skill. First,teacher can teach any topic that you
     want students to practice later on.For instance,teacher teach past tense in order for students to be
     able to tell story of unforgettable moment in their life.

2.Teacher then gives example of his story.

3.Students then work in class with their partner.They can do the draft together and help on each
   other's idea.
  -students can do recording as a homework of the same question
  -sharing option-everyone puts up on the same website,i.e.
  class blog
  - then you can ask students to vote on the best one

b) journal audio recording
-It can be use as formative assessment for speaking.Teacher gives different topic each time to assess students' improvement in speaking.This is easier to access as students and teacher can listen to the recording repeatedly.

-use newspaper clip to read aloud and record it



Wednesday, 21 November 2012

alternative of Facebook

Ever wonder what medium can you use with your students?? You thought of FACEBOOK but it is too personal for you?? EDMODO is the solution for this!!

EDMODO  is a social network like Facebook but it is focusing on students and teacher network.

how to use EDMODO?

1.It's so easy,you just use your email to sign up and it's free.

2.Teacher then create a group and named it.For example,your group name is Hola.

3.the students then need to sign up as well as search for the group name Hola and join the group.

4.Teacher and students then can communicate using edmodo just like Facebook where you can post any topic for discussion and students can comment on your post.

what does EDMODO provides? can post on you class group for any discussion and your students can respond on it by commenting on the post
2.Teacher can give reminder to the students through edmodo.
3.Teacher can give homework using edmodo as well.


teach VOCABULARY in a different way

In this post I will write review about two websites that you can use to make word cloud.Word cloud can be use to teach vocabulary to students.Teacher can use it to activate students schemata.It looks more interesting than just list down words. Basically,a word cloud is a cloud of word that you take from an article.The words that most use in the article will be in the word cloud.Hence, if you want students to read article,word cloud is one of good pre-reading activity.
Below are two websites that can be used to make word cloud.


how to use??

1.First, paste your article on the website.

2. Then click SIFT,and automatically a word cloud will be formed. Words that are written most in the article would be included in the word cloud.

How can Teacher use this in Teaching

1.Teacher can use this as pre-reading activity.For example, ask students to guess from the word shift.This can help students to activate their schemata for the lesson before the real lesson starts.This can helps to prepare students mentally for learning.

Advantages of this website

- it is simple to use
- you can click on the website to see the words from rare to common
-if you click on the word you can see suggested image as well
-if you click on the word you can samples of the word use in the article also
-students can easily focus on the keyword because of the simple design
-you can click on the word and it will show you the word use in the article



How to use? the webpage and click on the word CLICK to form a word cloud

2.Then,copy your article or you paste the url of your article

advantages of this website
1. You can leave out certain words/things that you don't want to be included in the word cloud.For example,You do not want names to be included in the word cloud,you can cut it out.

2.If you are taking article from internet you can paste the  URL directly

3. the words can be colorful.You can choose what kind of color that you want

4.It has more designs than word shift.For example,you can either the words in the middle looks bigger or all the word have the same size

5.Since there are many things to do with the design and colors of the word clouds, students can enhance their creativity

6.In this website,you can save and print your work which is good!!

7.It works way faster than word shift.

However,many people would find it is hard to use this because to see the word cloud you will need java to be downloaded.BUT to download java is very easy,there is help button if you can't see the image of the word cloud,which will give you a few suggestion what you can do in order to see the image.



1.pre-reading activate schemata
3.teach sudents new vocab and show it interesting way
4.students can relate one word to another
5.easy to remember the main essence of the article for example history
6.creativity- guess from the wordle ask students to write the story and copy it to wordle and bring it to the class and ask their friends to guess their story from the world
7.predict your friends' story
8.can see way common word that in a class use
9.match wordle and stories in group

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Powerpoint presentation(ppt) in a new way

have you ever wonder how to add spices into your teaching?
thinking of doing ppt but can't add much thing well

the answer to your question is BRAINSHARK


it is a website where you can use to combine your
power point presentation /video /document with your voice

or you can upload your podcast or any document that you want to share with anyone

and it's FREE!!!


1.First,you have to register on the website so that you can keep all your data in your profile

2. Then you can upload your files on the website and then record your voice to be put up in the same files that you have uploaded

click on the RED BOX to UPLOAD FILES

then RECORD YOUR VOICE over your presentation


1.Teacher can upload their lecture before the class so that they can have more time for activities in classroom.
2. Teacher can share their lecture slides with the students in the website and add their voice over it for further explanation about the slides.
3. Students can put up their homework on this website.It is good for speaking skills and writing skills.Teachers can ask students to tell about themselves by making slides about themselves and narrate about it.It would be more fun rather than talking in class and it is good for shy students.

BENEFIT can share your files to everyone in an easier way than sending your video to everyone's email can add videos,slides in 1 file and do your voice over it's free!!!!!


1.however,it would be little bit hard to ask your students to do it at home as your students might not have internet connection or even computer at home.

2.students who are beginner in IT would find it hard to use,but with tutorial from teacher THIS WOULD BE VERY EASY.

3.there is no real communication,listening to a speaking machine can be boring over time.REAL teaching is always the best but switching teaching method sometimes could be interesting.

Sample of MINE using BRAINSHARK!!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Bubblr for teaching

what is BUBBLR?

-it is a website that enable you to put bubbles on the pictures from FLICKR

- you can create your own teaching material using this website
and it is much easier that using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint

How to DO IT??
1.just go to the website BUBBLR
2.Type the keywords for pictures that you want from is on the right side of the website

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Make video for YOUR TEACHING

Can't find suitable video for your teaching?
No worries as Dvolver is here for you

1.So what is Dvolver?

-a website that you can make your own video and it's FREE

-it has variety of background | characters | music that you can choose and the best part is you can write your OWN DIALOGUE but sadly it doesn't has VOICE

2.How to use Dvolver 
it's as easy as that!! so if you want to teach English or any language,you can use the characters in the Dvolver as an example to your students.It is more FUN as students love surprises in teaching,listening to teachers' voice all the time can be boring.=p.Teacher can ask students to make their own video as well because it's very easy,teacher can get students to be more creative and enjoying the lesson but still learning the new things that teacher have been introduces.

so what are the advantages in using DVOLVER in your teaching?

However, DVOLVER has some disadvantages 

  • it has limited words limit which can be disappoint to students
  • some of the characters are unsuitable for school teenagers.For example,Hottie.However, teacher could direct students on which character to use
  • teacher have no control on students' work or sentences,students might come out with harsh or unsuitable words so monitoring and guidance is totally needed

here is a sample of what I've done